Venus Demars and I sat for an interview and it was surreal. I was sitting on a bed at the Charlton Arms Hotel, speaking to Venus — lead singer of the Minneapolis-based dark glam band All The Pretty Horses –, and wife Lynette. It was as if I was in […]
This is a common question that is asked of transgender people. I [and others] have heard it quite often. Many times it’s followed with a puzzled look and “Don’t you like or know who you are?” Let’s dive into perceptions — theirs and ours.
To understand the world of Lauren Foster, imagine this: you’re enjoying a quiet dinner with friends at a trendy restaurant when suddenly. without warning a bald 6’1” African American woman jumps on your table and starts to dance.
Fear can singularly be the most debilitating emotion we as humans experience, but don’t be labeled and others to create the boxes defining transgender people.
Have you ever wondered what taking hormones would be like? If it would make you look, feel, and act more like the girl you sometimes dream of becoming? Have you ever said, “I’ll just try it and see if I like it?” Here’s the answer – you will love it, […]
Many people outside society’s description of “norm,” have felt embarrassed because they were made fun of, guilty because they were “taught” that it is wrong, and continue to believe it because it is enforced in the collective social mindset.
A transgender journey can align with a girl lost in a far-off land yearning to find her way home, could that be you? Are you really that different from Dorothy?
The complexities of gender identity and its subcategories can be difficult to navigate. These categories include, but are not limited to, Transsexuals, Crossdressers, Shemales, Drag Queens, and Sissies! In this blog post, we delve beyond simplistic labels and stereotypes, embarking on an exploration that challenges preconceived notions. Join us as […]
What you fantasize about can unlock unanswered questions that taunt and tease you. Do you fantasize about living as a woman full-time, or do you just like to dress up from time to time? Does dressing arouse you sexually, or just emotionally? Are you a woman born into a man’s […]
Divorce and the right deved into what is and what is feared. Fear is what it is, but can sometimes become what you make it. The religious right is so afraid that gays are infecting society and indoctrinating their children, and deteriorating marriage, but yet it is their fear that […]