The short story by Brianna Nicole Austin, An Unexpected Turn, is currently ranking #293 on Amazon, with 81% of reviews 5 stars, and 19% 3 stars. Here is what they’ve said.
Is it the clothes, the attitude, or the inner glow of stirred feelings? If it were 3 million years B.C., would we, could we still be cross-dressers? I sometimes wonder if in another time or place we would pursue our feminine selves.
7 Transgender Musicians have been making waves in the music industry the past few years, and in this article I’ve spotlighted them.
An Unexpected Turn, written by Brianna Nicole Austin, is a male to female story about a young boy who gets caught dressed. I’ve had the story swirling in my head for years, and I am happy to announce I finally completed and published it. Here are some of my thoughts […]
The transgender debate over wanting vs. needing has been raging among the medical profession for decades, or longer. Is a patient simply wanting enough, or must there be a need?
How to look like a girl begins with having someone experinced in male to female transformations. In Pittsburgh, PA. that would be Amy.
Coming out transgender is certainly a huge change from just decades prior. I came out in 2000, after being in the closet — as a child in the 1960s until my 40s — most of my life. It was the most conflicted yet amazing journey of my life.
Behind the mask of being transgender, deals not with the mask of the post-transition, but the mask that was worn before it, in addition to the mask others perceive. As a transgender women, gay friends often asked, “why do you want to be someone else?” I told them I don’t, […]
The words of others don’t define me. How could they? In many instances, those “others” don’t even know me. They see me and then an idea of who they ‘think I am’ rushes to their lips before their brain can even process it.
Why do you want to be someone else seems to be a common question that I [and others] hear quite often. Many times it’s followed by a puzzled look and “Don’t you like or know who you are?”