The short story by Brianna Nicole Austin, An Unexpected Turn, is currently ranking #293 on Amazon, with 81% of reviews 5 stars, and 19% 3 stars. Here is what they’ve said.
An Unexpected Turn, written by Brianna Nicole Austin, is a male to female story about a young boy who gets caught dressed. I’ve had the story swirling in my head for years, and I am happy to announce I finally completed and published it. Here are some of my thoughts […]
How to look like a girl begins with having someone experinced in male to female transformations. In Pittsburgh, PA. that would be Amy.
We launched a new sissy site for those who used to enjoy my articles for the PINK column on TGlife some time back. The term has changed through the years. We decided that among the sub sets of sissy maids, sissified husbands, baby sissies, kid sissies, Lolita gurls, that we […]