Many years ago, Johnny Carson, being the recipient of a Sally Fields practical joke, looked at her and said, “You really aren’t normal are you?” She playfully responded, “Well Johnny, I guess normal is as normal does!” And this was the what defining normal is all about.
Brianna Nicole Austin was born in the summer of 2000 when she exploded onto the New York City transgender community party scene like a whirling dervish. The rise of the Transgender Girls Club was almost instantaneous — just months after she formed it with her trans-sister Chrissy. … in the […]
I was walking down Broadway — a small group of friends in tow – when just as I crossed West 22nd Street I heard a voice shout out, “Hey, beautiful, is that an Adam’s Apple you have”? I turned, with a grin upon my face and saw five guys in their late-20s, […]